RRC Boys Basketball

RRC boys basketball scores will be posted here as we receive them. If you don’t see your teams scores encourage your coach to report them.

2024-25 Scores

7th Grade

Whitko 41 Indian Springs 18
Whitko 34 Wabash 32
Maconaquah 43 Northfield 13
Southern Wells 44 Whitko 30
Whitko 34 Northfield 26
Western 55 Maconaquah 40
RJ Baskett 34 Wabash 29
Southwood 25 Whitko 23
Wabash 38 Lewis Cass 6

Wabash 41 Rochester 34

Whitko 35 Lakeland Christian 24

Whitko 25 Wawasee 13
Wabash 30 Northfield 13
Peru 51 North Miami 11
Whitko 30 Lewis Cass 14
Logansport 39 Wabash 15
Southern Wells 38 Wabash 36
Rochester 41 Whitko 24

Western 37 Peru 18
Wabash 32 Peru 29
Rochester 24 Southwood 11
Whitko 33 Churubusco 30
Pioneer 47 Peru 23
Peru 23 Lewis Cass 2
Peru 28 McCulloch 26
Wabash 35 Maconaquah 29
Oak Hill 56 Wabash 31

8th Grade

Wabash 41 Whitko 34
Maconaquah 47 Northfield 23
Whitko 35 Southern wells 15
Whitko 47 Crestview 45
Wabash 45 Mississinewa 36
Northfield 49 Whitko 26
Whitko 39 Southwood 12
Wabash 39 Lewis Cass 33

Wabash 39 Rochester 25
Maconaquah 55 Caston 18
Valley 37 Wabash 30
Maconaquah 51 Logansport 19
Nortthfield 43 Riverview 28
Northfield 34 Southwood 22

Wabash 35 Knox 31
Wabash 41 West Central 30
Northfield 36 Wabash 33
Logansport 59 Wabash 19
Wabash 44 Southern Wells 6
Whitko 41 Lakeland Christian 26

Peru 31 Wabash 29
Rochester 24 Southwood 11
Maconaquah 43 Wabash 26
Peru 46 Pioneer 29
Peru 33 Lewis Cass 24
Maconaquah 33 Eastern 23
McCulloch 48 Peru 27
Oak Hill 63 Wabash 12

Posted below are the 2023-2024 RRC boys basketball tournament results. Congratulations to the Maconaquah 7th and Manchester 8th grade teams on winning the tournament.

Game scores and records we have received as of 2/5/24

7th Grade

RRC Overall
Wabash 8-1 16-3
Northfield 6-2 10-4
Maconaquah 6-1 11-5
Peru 5-2 11-5
Whitko 4-3 8-6
Southwood 4-5 8-8
Rochester 4-4 8-6
Lewis Cass 2-5 3-6
Manchester 0-7 0-9

7th Scores

RRC Tournament Scores

Rochester 50 Southwood 26

Peru 59 North Miami 23

Regular Season

Northfield 43 Eastern 30
Rochester 36 Southwood 33
Peru 47 Maconqauah 30
Maconaquah 52 Tri Central 17
Maconaquah 35 Peru 32

Wabash 27 Peru 20
Maconaquah 41 Whitko 27
Rochester 29 Manchester 12
Northfield 47 Taylor 27
Peru 37 Lewis Cass 23
Wabash 37 Whitko 30
Northfield 44 Southwood 33
Maconaquah 36 Eastern 32
Whitko 50 Manchester 15

Oak Hill 56 Northfield 19
Wabash 27 Eastbrook 16
Northfield 38 Southern Wells 7
Plymouth 31 Rochester 16
Wabash 41 Manchester 17

Maconaquah 38 Southwood 28
Northfield 22 Peru 20
Rochester 33 North Miami 15
Maconaquah 48 Lewis Cass 38
Valley 29 Rochester 20
Winamac 31 Rochester 28
Rochester 23 Culver 17
Rochester 40 Knox 13
Wabash 37 Logansport 18
Wabash 39 Southwood 21
Peru 44 Valley 22

Northfield 29 Rochester 23

Lakeview 30 Northfield 18
Lewis Cass 32 North Miami 13
Maconaquah 35 Rochester 27
Northfield 39 Manchester 14
Wabash 34 North Miami 13
Northfield 32 Riverview 17

Peru 53 Manchester 10
Whitko 27 Southwood 24
Logansport 29 Maconaquah 27
Oak Hill 72 Peru 39
Wabash 27 Lewis Cass 25

Maconaquah 41 Northfield 24
Peru 41 Southwood 29
Rochester 35 Lewis Cass 25
Rochester 24 Triton 21
Crestview 38 Whitko 25
Whitko 38 Southern Wells 18
Peru 44 Caston 28
Peru 44 Southwood 26
Crestview 25 Whitko 23
Western 49 Maconaquah 41
Wabash 30 RJ Baskett 23

Peru 47 Whitko 27

Maconaquah 45 Logansport Red 26
Northfield 44 North Miami 12
Lewis Cass 33 Manchester 19
Whitko 31 Indian Springs 24

Eastern 28 Lewis Cass 9
Wabash 29 Rochester 20
Southwood 35 Manchester 4
Peru 58 Taylor 39
Wabash 30 Tippecanoe valley 19
Wabash 36 Bremen 30
Logansport 56 Peru 34

Wabash 34 Southern Wells 7
Peru 37 Maconaquah 32

Logansport 38 Wabash 22
Whitko 33 Rochester 22
Lakeview 43 Manchester 8
Crestview 37 Manchester 7
Maconaquah 41 Northwester 14
Northfield 37 Southwood 25

Whitko 41 Lewis Cass 16

Wabash 41 Knox 16
Wabash 41 West Central 22
Peru 60 North Miami 26
Wabash 37 Northfield 34

Peru 55 Pioneer 8
Maconaquah 29 Wabash 21
Whitko 25 Churubusco 19
Lewis Cass 29 – Pioneer 16
Kokomo 41 Maconaquah 21
Wawasee 40 Whitko 21
Oak Hill 38 Wabash 19

8th Grade

RRC Overall
Whitko 8-0 16-5
Rochester 7-1 10-3
Peru 5-2 9-7
Manchester 5-3 11-7
Northfield 5-4 8-7
Maconaquah 3-4 4-10
Southwood 3-5 4-10
Wabash 1-8 3-15
Lewis Cass 0-7 2-8

8th Scores

RRC Tournament Scores

Manchester 39 Rochester 27

North Miami 26 Peru 16

Regular Season

Northfield 33 Eastern 30
Peru 29 Eastern 25
Peru 56 Maconaquah 40
Maconaquah 45 Tri Central 40

Peru 38 Wabash 21
Logansport 33 Peru 27
Whitko 48 Maconaquah 15
Rochester 34 Manchester 26
Northfield 35 Taylor 30
Rochester 36 North Miami 27
Plymouth 31 Rochester 28
Peru 30 Lewis Cass 24
Whitko 43 Wabash 15
Manchester 44 North Miami 27
Northfield 37 Southwood 28
Whitko 33 Manchester 22
Eastern 33 Maconaquah 25

Oak Hill 47 Northfield 39
Eastbrook 44 Wabash 15
Northfield 36 Southern Wells 27
Oak Hill 57 Maconaquah 24
Manchester 36 Wabash 12

Northfield 41 Peru 17
Manchester 37 Edgewood 29
Maconaquah 38 Southwood 28
Rochester 33 Winamac 20
Rochester 40 Valley 31
Wabash 37 Logansport 28
Southwood 29 Wabash 27 OT
Valley 48 Peru 21
Maconaquah 30 Lewis Cass 25

Rochester 37 Know 23
Rochester 40 North Miami 25
Rochester 48 Northfield 22
Whitko 41 Central Lutheran 38
Blackhawk 43 Whitko 38
Sumitt 43 Whitko 40
Whitko 46 Central Lutheran 31
Blakchawk 38 Whitko 35

Lakeview 34 Northfield 27
North Miami 31 Lewis Cass 14
Rochester 36 Maconaquah 26
Manchester 51 Northfield 33
North Miami 50 Wabash 24
Riverview 48 Northfield 21

Peru 40 Manchester 36
Manchester 47 Valley 44
Whitko 36 Southwood 25
Wabash 29 Lewis Cass 25
Logansport 55 Maconaquah 24
Oak Hill 53 Peru 12

Northfield 45 Maconaquah 35
Manchester 40 Indian Springs 32
Rochester 41 Lewis Cass 20
Peru 44 Southwood 28
Crestview 40 Whitko 37
Whitko 35 Southern Wells 20
Manchester 58 West Noble 40
Manchester 28 Lakeland 18
Triton 34 Rochester 28
Whitko 29 Northfield 17
Caston 51 Peru 37
Peru 49 North Miami 39
Mississinewa 61 Wabash 30
Western 49 Maconaquah 39

Whitko 43 Peru 25

Taylor 26 Peru 12
North Miami 36 Northfield 31
Manchester 43 Lewis Cass 22
Whitko 37 Indian Springs 34

Lewis Cass 38 Caston 34
Eastern 49 Lewis Cass 24
Rochester 27 Wabash 10
Manchester 44 Southwood 22
Tippecanoe Valley 40 Wabash 26
Manchester 45 Whitko 40
Blackhawk 62 Manchester 2

Peru 35 Maconaquah 28
Wabash 24 Southern Wells 22

Logansport 65 Wabash 20
Whitko 22 Rochester 10
Crestview 45 Manchester 36
Northwestern 39 Maconaquah 23
Northfield 34 Southwood 23

North Miami 35 Peru 24

Whitko 27 Lewis Cass 22

Lakeview 48 Manchester 37

Caston 33 Wabash 26
Knox 42 Wabash 21
Northfield 31 Wabash 26

Peru 39 Pioneer 11
Whitko 45 Churubusco 16
Maconaquah 21 Wabash 20
Lewis Cass 25 – Pioneer 13
Kokomo 69 Maconaquah 18
Whitko 29 Wawasee 27

****Congratulations to the Manchester 7th grade and Rochester 8th grade for winning the

2022-23 RRC boys basketball tournament

7th Grade

RRC Tournament Bracket

7th Grade RRC Non Conference Overall
Rochester 7-2 4-0 11-2
Manchester 7-1 4-3 11-4
Tippecanoe Valley 6-2 5-4 11-6
Southwood 3-2 2-2 5-4
Maconaqah 3-1 2-2 5-3
Peru 1-8 0-5 1-13
Wabash 1-6 1-9 2-15
Northfield 1-4 1-2 2-6
North Miami 0-0 0-0 0-0
Whitko 0-0 0-0 0-0

Eastern 40 Northfield 26

Manchester 37 Wabash 8

Manchester 34 RMS 30
Caston 43 RMS 42

Southwood 41 Northfield 24

Manchester 53 North Miami 21

Whitko 43 Wabash 22

Tippecanoe Valley 29 Southwood 19

Eastbrook 39 Wabash 16

Valley 39 Northfield 16

Rochester 31 North Miami 17

Whitko 55 Manchester 54

Oak Hill 39 Northfield 25

Rochester 45 Peru 13

North Miami 38 Peru 33

Peru 39 Maconaquah 37
Valley-48 Peru-13
Manchester 36 Edgewood 25
Southwood 27 Wabash 22
Wabash 35 Logansport 24
Valley-44 Rochester-40
Southwood 25 Maconaquah 22
1/5 RMS 33 Northfield 21
1/7 RMS 28 Knox 23 Tourney
1/7 RMS 33 North Miami 10 Tourney
1/9 RMS 26 Winamac 22
Wawasee 39 Manchester 23
Northfield 41 Peru 26
Southwood 33 Madison Grant 18
Rochester 38 Maconaquah 11
Triton 44 Rochester 37
Triton-38 Valley-21
Valley-33 LaPorte-19
Urey-32 Valley-30
Triton-38 Valley-21
Valley-33 LaPorte-19
Urey-32 Valley-30

North Miami 42 Wabash 31

Manchester 50 Northfield 28

Eastern 24 Southwood 23

Tippecanoe Valley 49 Wabash 12

Tippecanoe Valley 27 North Miami 22

Manchester 42 Peru 15

Maconaquah 30 Western 22

RJ Baskett 33 Wabash 11

Manchester 41 West Noble 22

Manchester 39 Lakeland 21

Maconaquah 27 Northfield 21

Manchester 26 Indian Springs 23

Peru 28 Southwood 19

Manchester 31 Tippecanoe Valley 28

Tippecanoe Valley 40 Argos 16

Whitko 52 Peru 11

North Miami 38 Northfield 20

North Miami 26 Peru 24 Tourney

Caston 48 Southwood 35 Tourney

Southwood 35 Peru 16 Tourney

Crestview 34 Tippecanoe Valley 25 Tourney

Tippecanoe Valley 35 Wabash 12 Tourney

Rochester 43 Wabash 19

Manchester 33 Southwood 20

Valley-49 Plymouth-31
Valley-34 Lakeview-45
Valley-19 Whitko-31*
Valley-34 Edgewood-23

Rochester 26 Whitko 21

Maconaquah 25 Peru 19

Southwood 26 Northfield 19

Crestview 31 Manchester 26

Southern Wells 27 Wabash 17

Logansport 43 Wabash 14

Wabash 40 Northfield 22

Oak Hill 28 Southwood 26

North Miami 26 Peru 23

North Miami 47 Southwood 19

Oak Hill 33 Wabash 19

Whitko 58 Churubusco 3

Maconaquah 26 Wabash 20

Pioneer 31 Peru 15

8th Grade

RRC Tournament Bracket

8th Grade RRC Non Conference Overall
Rochester 9-0 4-0 13-0
Tippecanoe Valley 6-2 6-3 12-5
Wabash 6-2 2-8 8-9
Manchester 4-3 3-6 7-10
Peru 3-5 2-7 5-12
Southwood 2-8 0-6 2-14
Northfield 1-4 0-3 1-8
Maconaqah 0-4 2-2 2-6
North Miami 0-0 0-0 0-0
Whitko 0-0 0-0 0-0

Maconaquah 56 Peru 43

Rochester 42 Southwood 17

Eastern 43 Northfield 16

Wabash 41 Manchester 36

Northfield 27 Southwood 24

Wabash 34 Whitko 33

North Miami 35 Manchester 27

Tippecanoe Valley 40 Southwood 30

Eastbrook 46 Wabash 13

Whitko 37 Southwood 23

Valley 38 Northfield 15

Manchester 39 Whitko 31

Oak Hill 50 Northfield 13

Rochester 27 Peru 19

Rochester 23 North Miami 21

Valley-34 Peru-27

Wabash 44 Southwood 20
Edgewood 49 Manchester 43
Wabash 37 Logansport 22
Rochester-32 Valley-22
1/5 RMS 33 Northfield 14
1/7 RMS 41 Knox 20 Tourney
1/7 RMS 42 North Miami 34 Tourney
1/9 RMS 46 Winamac 20
Rochester 46 Winamac 20
Southwood 25 Maconaquah 21
Peru 34 Northfield 21
Wawasee 35 Manchester 23
Rochester – 41 Knox – 20
Rochester – 42 North Miami – 34
Rochester – 33 Northfield – 16
Rochester 40 Maconaquah 16
Rochester 24 Triton 21

Valley-37 Triton-31
LaPorte-51 Valley-28
Valley-47 Lincoln(Plymouth)-36

Valley-37 Triton-31
LaPorte-51 Valley-28
Valley-47 Lincoln(Plymouth)-36

Tippecanoe Valley 27 Wabash 20

Manchester 45 Northfield 9

Tippecanoe Valley 37 North Miami 22

Manchester 31 Peru 28

RJ Baskett 52 Wabash 26

Eastern 50 Southwood 14

Lakeland 42 Manchester 23

Maconaquah 27 Northfield 15

Eastside 43 Manchester 42

Manchester 39 Indian Springs 15

Peru 41 Southwood 20

Manchester 39 Tippecanoe Valley 37

McCulloch 63 Southwood 10

Taylor 41 Peru 33

Tippecanoe Valley 29 Argos 24

Whitko 39 Peru 28

North Miami 46 Northfield 6

North Miami 44 Southwood 19 Tourney

Caston 40 Peru 27 Tourney

Peru 44 Southwood 18 Tourney

Bremen 29 Tippecanoe Valley 19 Tourney

Tippecanoe Valley 41 Wabash 27 Tourney

Wabash 32 Rochester 23

Manchester 31 Southwood 12

Valley-32 Plymouth-28
Valley-28 Lakeview-17
Valley-40 Whitko-25*
Valley-38 Edgewood-43

Rochester 37 Whitko 27

Peru 37 Maconaquah 19

Southwood 29 Northfield 12

Crestview 27 Manchester 24

Wabash 31 Southern Wells 26

Logansport 44 Wabash 20

Wabash 48 Northfield 12

North Miami 40 Peru 26

Oak Hill 59 Southwood 5

North Miami 51 Southwood 33

Oak Hill 50 Wabash 22

Whitko 23 Churubusco 13

Wabash 43 Maconaquah 16

Pioneer 46 Peru 35

Tipton 55 Peru 8